By Michael | Last Updated
Before you leave the homegroup created on your PC, you should note that all homegroup connections on the computer will be disconnected, which means that your files or devices won't be shared with the homegroup. Supposing that you've known this result well, you can learn from this text about how to leave homegroup on Windows 8 computer.
Step 1: Open the HomeGroup setting in PC settings.
Get to the Search bar by Windows Key+F, enter homegroup in the box, choose Settings and select HomeGroup from the results.
Step 2: Finish leaving the homegroup.
In the HomeGroup setting, tap the Leave button to complete the operation.
Step 1: Find the setting named "Leave the homegroup" in the Control Panel.
Access the Control Panel, open Network and Internet, enter HomeGroup and click Leave the homegroup.
Step 2: Choose Leave the homegroup to confirm the operation.
In seconds, you can successfully leave the homegroup, as shown in the picture below.
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