Powerpoint Password Open PowerPoint File with Password Protection

How to Open PPT File by Removing Password Protection

Follow the article to learn to open PowerPoint file no matter you have PPT password or not.

Situation 1: Open PPT File When You Know Modify or Open Password

When you know PPT file password, no matter it is modify password or open password, you can remove PPT file password protection and open it like this.

1. Open PPT file.

  • If PPT file is encrypted with open password, a dialog will pop up to ask you to type it first. Otherwise, PPT file cannot be open.
  • If PPT file is encrypted with modify password, type password to make it editable after it is open. Or sometimes just need to click "Password Protection - Mask as Final" to make PPT file editable.

2. Turn to File Info Protect Presentation Encrypt with Password, blank password in "Encrypt Document" dialog. And click OK to remove PPT file open password. From then on, open PPT file without password will be available.

remove PowerPoint file password protection

Situation 2: Open PPT File after Forgot PowerPoint Open Password

When PPT file open password forgot, how can you open PPT file?

If you have no idea, please recover unknown PPT file password with PowerPoint Password Genius and then remove PPT file password.

1. Install and run iSunshare PowerPoint Password Genius in computer.

2. Browse and add PPT file with Open button into this password recovery tool.

3. View Type of recovery drop-down list and choose one password recovery type from Brute-force, Mask, Dictionary and Smart.

4. Set parameters for password recovery type you choose, password range, password length, and Mask if you select "Mask".

Refer to: Brute-force/Mask/Dictionary Password Recovery Recovery Settings

5. Begin to recover PowerPoint file password with Start button.

6. Copy PowerPoint password and open PPT file with password in new window.

recover PowerPoint file forgotten open password

If you want to open PowerPoint file without password later, turn to File Info Protect Presentation Encrypt with Password, empty password box, and click OK. Then PPT file open password will be removed, so you can open it later as you will.

If the PowerPoint presentation is restrcited only with the modify password, you can read this article to remove the read-only restriction: How to Unlock Read Only PowerPoint Presentation.

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