iPhone and iPadDelete All Alarms on iPhone

How to Delete All Alarms on iPhone at Once?

By Lydia | Last Updated

Ever looked at your iPhone’s alarm list and thought, "Wow, where did all these come from?" Whether it’s from setting a bunch of wake-up calls, reminders, or just experimenting with different times, it’s easy to end up with a cluttered iPhone alarm clock list.

This guide provides a detailed, step-by-step approach to manage or delete all alarms on iPhone, ensuring you can manage your alarms effectively.

How to Delete All Alarms on iPhone

Part 1: Understanding iPhone Alarms

The Alarm feature on your iPhone is part of the Clock app. It allows users to set multiple alarms for various needs, such as waking up clock iphone, reminders. Alarms are managed within the Clock app, and they can be set to repeat, customize tones, and more.

Part 2: How to Delete Single Unwanted iPhone Alarms

Step 1: Find the Clock app on your iPhone’s home screen, and tap on and open it.

Step 2: At the bottom of the Clock app, you will see several tabs: World Clock, Alarms, Stopwatch, and Timers. Tap on the Alarm tab to view your list of alarms.

Step 3: To delete an individual alarm on Apple iPhone, tap the Edit button located in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Access iPhone Alarms in Clock

Step 4: You’ll see a red minus sign next to each alarm. Tap the red minus sign next to the alarm you wish to delete.

Step 5: A Delete button will appear. Tap it to remove the alarm from your list.

Delete Alarms on iPhone

Step 6: You can repeat the steps above to delete multiple alarms.

Tips: You can also swipe the clock to the left to delete it.

Part 3: How to Delete All Alarms on iPhone at Once

If you have a large number of alarms and want a quicker way to mass delete alarms on iPhone, here is a simple way for you.

Step 1: Firstly, hold the side to activate Siri.

Step 2: Tell the Siri to "delete all alarms".

Step 3: When it prompts you to confirm, tap on "Yes".

Step 4: Then it will delete all alarms automatically and says "I’ve deleted all your alarms".

Delete All Alarms at Once

Tips: You can also tell Siri to "disable all alarms" instead of turn all of them off.

If the Siri says "I’ve deleted all your alarms except your sleep alarm. You can edit that in the Health app", then you need to manually turn off the sleep alarm by yourself.

Delete All Alarms with Siri

Part 4: How to Disable Hidden Sleep Schedule Clock iPhone

Generally, alarms set on local device do not sync to iCloud, so you need to delete them separately on each device. However, wake-up alarms are different. It will sync to every device with the same Apple ID. Here is how to cancel it:

To disable night time clock on iPhone, follow these steps:

Step 1: Tap on the Health app icon.

Step 2: Tap on the Browse tab at the bottom, then select Sleep.

Access Sleep Alarm in Health

Step 3: Enter into Sleep Condition menu, swipe up to locate all "Full Schedule & Options".

Step 4: Tap on it, and then toggle off Sleep Schedule to disable the sleep alarms and schedule.

Turn off Sleep Schedule

This will stop the Sleep Clock from activating, and your iPhone won’t automatically set reminders to go to bed or wake up.

Part 5: How to Add a New iPhone Alarm Clock

Step 1: Click Clock on the home screen.

Step 2: Select Alarm on the bottom, and tap the top-right "+" plus icon.

Step 3: With time selector to manually set the time of the alarm.

Add a New Alarm iPhone

Step 4: Make changes to other settings of the alarm.

1. If you want to set iPhone alarm to repeat schedule, choose Repeat, select options from every weekday, and hit Back.

2. To label the iPhone alarm, type a name in the Label section.

iPhone Alarms Settings

3. To change the sound of the alarm, click Sound, choose a song or a ringtone and hit Back.

4. Tap Snooze to switch it off or on. Once enabled, you can mute the Apple alarm by press the side button when the alarm rings. It will ring again after 9 minutes of rest, and if not turned off, the alarm will continue ringing for up to 15 minutes.

Save the iPhone Alarm

Step 5: Click Save on the top right to save all settings.

Tips: You can also quickly add an iPhone alarm with Siri in need, for example, "wake me two hours later". It’s worth noted that Siri can only set alarms for the next 24 hours.

Add iPhone Alarms with Siri

Tips for Managing Alarms Effectively

Use Labels: Label your alarms clearly so you can identify them easily in the future. This can help prevent accidental deletions.

Set Reminders: If you need multiple alarms, consider using the Reminders app for tasks that don’t require an exact time.

Regular Maintenance: Periodically review and clean up your alarms to avoid clutter.

FAQs about Alarms on iPhone

1. How to Check if There are Any Remaining Alarms?

Look for if there is an alarm icon in the top status bar. If a scheduled alarm exists, this icon will be visible, indicating that there are still alarms set.

Alarm icon on Status Bar

2. Why Deleted Alarms Reappear on Alarm List?

Check if you’ve added sleep or wakeup clock on iPhone in Health app.

This may also happen if there’s a software glitch. Make sure your iPhone’s iOS is up-to-date by going to Settings > General > Software Update.

3. How to Turn down Alarm Volume on iPhone?

If alarms are too loud and not perform as expected, you can go to Settings > Sound & Haptics, and adjust the volume to appropriate level.

Adjust iPhone Alarms Sound


Deleting all alarms on your iPhone is a straightforward process, though it requires manual effort if you have multiple alarms. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can efficiently manage and declutter your alarm list.