Windows 8 How to Start Task Manager on Windows 8 Laptop/Desktop

How to Start Task Manager on Windows 8 Laptop/Desktop

By Michael | Last Updated

If you want to view any task progress or discover questionable processes in your computer, you can use Task Manager to realize them. And this article will illustrate 5 methods to start Task Manager on Windows 8 laptop or desktop.

Video guide on how to start Task Manager on Windows 8:

Way 1: Start Task Manager from the Quick Access Menu.

Step 1: Press WIN key (Windows logo key)and X key simultaneously to open the Quick Access Menu, as the following screen shot shows.

open quick access menu

Step 2: Select Task Manager in the menu.

select task manager in the menu

Way 2: Start Task Manager from the Apps screen.

Step 1: Right click any blank space on the Start menu and select All apps on the bottom right corner.

right click any blank space and select all apps

Step 2: On the Apps screen, find Task Manager in the list and click it.

click task manager on apps screen

Way 3: Open it in the login screen.

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to switch to the login screen. After that, click Task Manager in the screen to start it.

choose task manager

Way 4: Start it by use of Search bar.

Step 1: Open Search bar by press WIN key and F key in the meantime.

open search bar

Step 2: Select Apps in the list and type task manager in the search box, as shown in the picture below.

select apps and input task manager in the search box

Step 3: Click Task Manager on the left of the Search bar.

tap task manager

Way 5: Start it from the task bar of desktop.

Step 1: Enter desktop by clicking Desktop icon on the Start menu or directly pressing WIN key.

click desktop icon on start menu

Step 2: Right click the blank space in the task bar and choose Task Manager in the context menu.

start task manager from task bar

Briefly speaking, if you would like start Task Manager on Windows 8 computer, you can use any one of the above five methods.

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