By Jennifer | Last Updated
Command Prompt is so powerful that you can use it to run Computer Management, hide or unhide files and folders, etc. Thus, it is reasonable for you to find a method to keep other people from accessing it in your PC. For your convenience, this article will show you how to prevent access to Command Prompt on Windows 8 computer.
Video guide on how to prevent access to Command Prompt on Windows 8:
Step 1: Get into Local Group Policy Editor.
Step 2: Find the System folder in User Configuration.
You can easily locate it, following the path of User Configuration/Administrative Templates/System.
Step 3: Go to edit the setting called "Prevent access to the command prompt".
Find Prevent access to the command prompt in the System folder, right-click it and choose Edit.
Step 4: Enable the setting.
In the following window, select Enabled and click OK.
Afterwards, you or any other user who accesses the cmd will see a message in the Command Prompt window which reads, "The command prompt has been disabled by your administrator."
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