Windows 10 Windows 10 Boot to Start Screen

Windows 10 Boot to Start Screen

By Michael | Last Updated

When you start your Windows 10 PC, it will automatically boot to the desktop. BTW, have you ever wondered whether it is possible to make the computer boot to the Start Screen (see the following picture)? If such an idea did occur in your mind, you will know that you are able to directly boot Windows 10 to Start Screen, referring to the steps illustrated in this article.

start screen in Windows 10

Steps to make Windows 10 boot to Start Screen:

Step 1: Go to replace the Start Menu with the Start Screen.

Step 2: Turn on the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog.

Right-tap any blank area on the taskbar, and choose Properties in the menu.

choose properties

Step 3: Deselect related setting in the Navigation settings.

Click the Navigation tab, deselect the setting called When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, go to the desktop instead of Start, and then choose OK.

deselect related navigation setting

Later, when you restart or log in your PC, the computer will boot to Start Screen instead of desktop.

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