Windows 10 How to Create Lock Shortcut in Windows 10

How to Create Lock Shortcut in Windows 10

By Jennifer | Last Updated

The article illustrates how to create a shortcut for Lock (see the following picture) on Windows 10 computer as below.

lock shortcut

Steps to Create Desktop Lock Shortcut in Windows 10:

Step 1: Right-tap blank area, point at New on the context menu and select Shortcut in the list.

turn on new shortcut

Step 2: When the Create Shortcut window appears, type rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation in the empty box, and then click Next.

type lock file location

Step 3: Enter Lock to name the shortcut, and choose Finish.

finish creating lock shortcut

Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know to Lock Your Computer

There are two keyboard shortcuts which can help to lock your computer screen quickly. One is the Ctrl +Alt +Delete keys combination. After pressing these keys, you can get the Options screen. Then, choose the Lock option to lock your Windows screen.

Another keyboard shortcut is Windows +L keys. This shortcut will help quickly lock your screen without hesitation.

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