SQL Server Move SQL Database Files to Another Wordpress

How to Move SQL Database Files to Another Wordpress

By Hally | Last Updated

For the file size limitation, we cannot upload a big file larger than 20M to wordpress server, so we cannot import wordpress file with wordpress import tool, and cannot use phpMyAdmin to import mysql database. In this article, I will shows you how to move your sql database to another wordpress without that limitation.

Seven Steps to Move SQL Database Files to Another WordPress

The following steps tell you how to move sql database files from A wordpress server to B wordpress server.

1. Eanble ssh access on A server and B server.

2. Use ssh login A server, and create a new directory named SQL_BACKUP, and cd to this folder.

3. Use sql command to export sql data from sql database: mysqldump -h localhost -p -u db_user1 wp_db1 pumub_blog_2014.sql. -h is followed by host name or ip address. -u is followed by user name of the database and the database name. You will be asked to input the password when this command is executed.

4. Use ssh login B server and create a name directory named SQL_DB.

5.Download and upload the pumub_blog_2014.sql to the SQL_DB directory of B server.

6. Use MySQL Databases or other sql database tool to create a sql database named pumub_blog_db, and create a user named pb_db_user with password pw_123456 for it.

7. Use sql command to import pumub_blog_2014.sql to pumub_blog_db database: mysql -p -u pb_db_user pumub_blog_db pumub_blog_2014.sql. You will be asked to input the password when this command is executed.

Tips: You can login B server and export the database file from A server to B server directly to simplify the steps. If you want to remote access SQL database, you need to add the ip address of A server to the Remote Access list.

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