Office Insert Frame into Microsoft Office Word

How to Insert Frame into Microsoft Office Word

By Sophia | Last Updated

Sometimes we need to add frame into documents, but you would find that there is no frame function in Word 2007,2010 and 2013. You may doubt that whether you can insert frame into Microsoft Office Word documentation or not. Don't feel annoying, you can learn to insert frame in Microsoft Office Word documentation in this passage.

First, you should clear that the way to insert frame in Word 2007 is different with those in Word 2010 or 2013. So here I would show the way for Word 2007 and Word 2010/2013 respectively.

Insert frames into Word 2007

Step 1: Right-click the Ribbon and choose Customize Quick Access Toolbar.

customize quick access toolbar

Step 2: In the coming Word Options window, find the Customize item in the left panel. In the corresponding right panel, select Commands Not in the Ribbon from the scroll down box labeled with Choose commands from. In the middle section, find Insert Frame and click Add. Last, click OK.

insert frames function added

Then you can see the insert frame icon added on the Word 2007 ribbon. Enjoy it.

Insert frames into Word 2010/2013

Step 1: Launch Word 2010/2013, then click File>>Options>>Customize Ribbon.

find customize ribbon option

Step 2: Check the Developer box in the right panel. Click OK.

check developer

Step 3: When the Developer item is shown on the Ribbon, just click it and find the Legacy Tool icon in the Controls section. Then find Insert Frame item in the coming dialog.

find insert frame icon

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