Office Password How to Unlock Word File Open Password in Short Time

Beginner - How to Unlock Word File Open Password in Short Time

By Jennifer | Last Updated

Nowadays it has become very difficult to recover encrypted office word files using normal password recovery tools, and it takes months or even years to decrypt complex passwords. However, if you still have a little memory of the password, the hope of unlocking the word file open password in short time is still high.

Unlock Word File open password

Unlocking word files open password can be confusing. In this article, we will introduce a password recovery tool to help you use the easiest way to unlock word file open password in short time: iSunshare Word Password Genius.

With iSunshare Word Password Genius, you can set different parameters according to your memory of passwords, any information you remember about passwords is very important and helpful for cracking passwords. Follow this post, I will tell you how to set parameters in iSunshare Office Password Genius according to some information of the password, so that the tools can calculate the password quickly.

Step 1: Download and install the recovery tool

Download and install the software on your computer, click on the link below to download the free trial version, the trial version can be cracked less than three characters of the word password, if you want to crack a more complex password, please install the full version!

word password recovery free download

Step 2: Import the word file

Click the Open button on the homepage, then import the word file to be decrypted, the file address will appear the box below the Encrypted File.

click Open

Step 3: Choose a recovery type to set parameters

There are four recovery types you can choose to unlock word file open password: Normal, Mask, Dictionary, and Smart.

recovery type

You can choose the appropriate recovery type according to your memory of the password. If you still have some impression of the password. It is recommended that you use the Normal recovery type and the Mask recovery type, which can shorten the time of unlocking the password by setting relevant parameters.

Below are some examples of common cases of forgotten passwords and how to set up the parameters in iSunshare Word Password Genius:

1. Remembered the password length

If you know the length of the password, click Length and set the password length value to a fixed value.
For example, if you know the length of the password is about 6 to 8 digits, then set the Minimal password to 6 and the Maximal password to 8. If the password length is 8, set both the Minimum and Maximum password lengths to 8.


2. Remembered the password is all numbers

If you can remember that the password is numbers, then you haven't set a very complicated password. Just tick "All digits" directly under the Range option and make sure you remove all other ticks.

range all digits

3. Remembered that the password is all letters

If you remember that the password is in lowercase letters, select only "All small latin". If you remember that the password is in uppercase, tick only the "All caps latin". If it is a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, tick "All caps latin" and "All small latin", and leave all others unchecked.

check all caps small latin

4. Remembered the password starts with letters

If you know that your password starts with the letter "app" and you also know that it consists of numbers, choose the Normal recovery type, then type "app" under the Start from box and tick "All caps Latin, All small latin and All digits".

start from app

5. Remembered the password end in letters

For example, you know the password end in the letter "word", and you know that the password consists only of letters. Choose the Normal recovery type, set the End at to "word", and the Range option to "All caps latin" and "All small latin.

end at word

6. Remembered the start and end of the password

For example, you remember that the password starts with "app" and ends with "word". Please set it up like this: tick All printable in the Range options, then type "app" in the Start from box and “word” in the End at box.

start from and end at

If you know the password length is 10, the password might look like "app???word", just don't know the three characters in the middle, then set the Minimum and Maximum password length in the password length option to 3.


Or you can choose Mask Recovery Type, enter "app???word" in Mask input box directly. A “?” represents a character you don't know.

choose Mask

Step 4: Start to decrypt

When you finish setting the parameters, just click Start button.

click Start

The program will help you to unlock file open passwords automatically and pop up a window showing passwords, you can copy passwords or open encrypted word files for free.

open and copy password

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