Office Password Reset Office 365 Business Password

How to Reset Office 365 Business Password

By Jennifer | Last Updated

“Do you know Office 365?”

This kind of question may come along with a request for resetting user password for Office 365 from your colleagues or friends who are not familiar with MS Office products. The Office 365 has some big differences compared with other versions of Office. The most two important differences are that user would pay monthly or yearly fee to get the access to the latest version of Office and be allowed to install it on up to 5 computers and the password of the users are time expired. Once user password expires, the Office 365 business password should be reset.

If you are using the Office 365 business and you happen to be the admin, you can let people reset their own password in Office 365 by following steps when you get crashed for constantly requests for resetting password.

Step 1: Navigate to Office 365 admin center and find Security &privacy under Settings category and tap the link option called Azure AD admin center.

open azure admin center

Step 2: And then in the coming Azure AD admin center window, you can just navigate to Users and groups in the left pane of the window and choose the Password reset in the corresponding right part of the window.

password reset option in azure

Step 3: In the coming page, just choose All in your business and click Save, then your users would be prompted to type some contact information to reset their password when logging in Office 365 again.

If you are a admin user who just wants to reset the specific user password for office 365 personally, you can follow the under steps.

Step 1: Just navigate to Office 365 admin center, and then you should select the Admin item in the coming window.

office 365 admin user interface

Step 2: Select the Home item in the left pane and choose Reset a password item in the Users section.

reset a password option in admin home

Step 3: Select the user you wish to update the password for, and click Select.

select user to update

Step 4: Select a favorable option and click Reset.

  • Auto-generate password: Office 365 will generate a new password for the user automatically.
  • Let me create a password: You will have the option to enter a new password of your choice.
  • Make this user change their password when they first sign in: The password set here would only be temporary, and the user would need to update the password themselves when they sign in to Office 365 for the first time.

the way of generate password

After the above operation, the user password would be reset.

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