ResourcesWindows 11 Move the Start button to the Left Corner in Windows 11

How to Move the Start button to the Left Corner in Windows 11

By Sophia | Last Updated

Unlike Windows 10, Windows 11 has the Start button and all apps in the taskbar at the bottom center by default. So if you want the Start menu to be in the bottom left corner, you should move the Start button from the center to the bottom left corner in Windows 11, and this tutorial shows you two easy ways to do it.

how to move the Start menu to the left corner in Windows 11

Option 1: Move Windows 11 Start button to the Left Corner from Taskbar Settings

Step 1: Right-click the blank space on the taskbar, then open the Taskbar Settings.

click Taskbar settings

Step 2: After hitting the Taskbar settings, you'll go to the Personalization option, scroll to Taskbar behavior in the right sidebar and click on it.

click on Taskbar behaviors

Step 3: Click on the drop-down icon next to Taskbar alignment. After that, select Left to start moving Windows 11 taskbar from center to left.

align taskbar from center to left

Step 4: After you align the taskbar to the left, close the Personalization > Taskbar screen.

close the Personalization > Taskbar screen

Step 5: When completing all these steps, you can see the Windows 11 taskbar has been successfully moved to the left bottom.

Option 2: Move Windows 11 Start button to the Left Corner through Registry Editor

Step 1: Press Win+R simultaneously to bring up the Run dialog box. Enter regedit, then click on OK to run the command.

enter regedit in the Run box and click OK

Step 2: Follow the following command of the Registry Editor screen step-by-step:


After that, double-click TaskbarAl on the screen.

double-click the TaskbarAl from Registry Editor

Step 3: In the pop-up dialog box, enter “0” inside the Value data and then click the OK button.

enter 0 in the Value data

Step 4: After hitting OK, the Windows 11 taskbar will quickly move to the left. In other words, the Start menu has also moved to the left corner in Windows 11.

Windows 11 move taskbar to left successfully

That's how to move the Start button to the left corner in Windows 11. If you prefer to keep the Start button in the left corner of the bottom rather than in the center but don't know-how, you can try this out by doing these two solutions above.