Windows 10 Show or Hide Window Animation in Windows 10

Show or Hide Window Animation in Windows 10

By Hally | Last Updated

By default, animation effect occurs when a window is minimized or maximized in Windows 10 computer. If you dislike the effect, you can remove it according to the following guidance.

Video guide on how to show/hide window animation on Windows 10:

Steps to hide window animation in Windows 10:

Step 1: Open System by Windows+Pause Break.

Step 2: Choose Advanced system settings to move on.

choose advanced system setting

Step 3: Select Settings under Performance.

open performance settings

Step 4: Deselect Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing, and then tap OK to confirm the setting.

hide Windows animation

Tip: To show window animation when minimizing or maximizing, make sure the same setting is chosen.

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