By Hally | Last Updated
Knowing your computer's name in Windows 10 is essential for network identification, troubleshooting, and connecting to other devices. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to locate your computer's name using various methods.
Your computer's name serves as its unique identifier on a network, facilitating:
Step 1: Hit the Start menu and choose Settings.
Step 2: Go to System on the Settings interface.
Step 3: Hit the About option on the left side menu. Then you can find Device name under Device specifications section. This is your computer's name.
Step 1: Open Control Panel.
Step 2: In the Control Panel window, choose System and Security, then click System. In some Windows 10 editions, you can directly click the option—See the name of this computer.
Step 3: Your computer's name will be displayed under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings. Or in Device specification in some Windows 10 versions.
Step 1: Open Command Prompt.
Step 2: Type hostname and press Enter.
Step 3: Soon, you can see the host name in the displayed result.
Step 1: Open PowerShell.
Step 2: Type $(Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem). Name and press Enter.
Step 3: Your computer's name will be displayed.
You can quickly find the computer full name via the shortcut keys. On your Windows 10 computer, press the Windows keys and Pause/Break key together. Then you can see the computer name in the Device specification’s part.
Or you can manually create a shortcut for computer name settings:
Step 1: Right-tap blank area, point at New on the menu and select Shortcut in the items.
Step 2: Enter c:\windows\system32\systempropertiescomputername.exe, and click Next in the Create Shortcut window.
Step 3: Hit Finish to have the shortcut created.
By use of this method, a shortcut named SystemPropertiesComputerName is made with ease. You can double-click to find the full company name.
1. What is a computer name?
A computer name is a unique identifier assigned to your PC to distinguish it from other devices on a network. It is used for file sharing, remote desktop connections, and network troubleshooting. You can find or change your computer name in system settings.
2. Can I Change My Computer's Name?
Yes, you can change your computer's name by navigating to Settings > System > About > Rename this PC. Enter the new name and restart your computer to apply the changes.
3. How Does the Computer Name Affect Network Connections?
The computer name is used to identify your device on a network. Using easily recognizable names helps in managing and connecting multiple devices efficiently.
Identifying your computer's name in Windows 10 is a straightforward process that can be accomplished through various methods. Whether you're preparing for network configurations or troubleshooting, knowing your PC's name is invaluable.
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