By Jennifer | Last Updated
Windows 10 includes a Slide to Shut Down feature that allows users to turn off their PC with a simple swipe. While this feature is designed for touchscreen devices, it can also be used with a mouse. Instead of accessing it through commands, you can create a shortcut for quick and easy shutdown. Here’s how to set it up.
Step 1: Right-click blank area, point at New on the context menu, and select Shortcut in the sub-list.
Step 2: In the Create Shortcut window, type C:\Windows\System32\SlideToShutDown.exe, and then tap Next.
Step 3: Choose Finish to create this shortcut.
As you have created the shortcut, you can double-click the Slide to Shut Down shortcut. Then a slide-down panel will appear at the top of your screen. Just drag the panel downward with your mouse or finger to turn off your computer.
Or you can Open the Run app. Type c:\windows\system32\slidetoshutdown.exe in the empty box, and then click OK. Soon, you can use your finger or mouse to slide down on the screen to realize shutdown.
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