Windows 10 3 Ways to Create Run Shortcut on Windows 10 Desktop

3 Ways to Create Run Shortcut on Windows 10 Desktop

By Michael | Last Updated

The Run dialog box in Windows 10 is a useful tool that allows users to quickly open applications, files, and system settings by entering specific commands. Instead of using the Win + R keyboard shortcut every time, you can create a desktop shortcut for quick access. Three methods are introduced below to help you create a shortcut for the Run app on desktop in Windows 10 computer.

Way 1: Send the Run shortcut to desktop.

Step 1: Search run, right-click Run in the result and choose Open file location from the menu.

open run file location

Step 2: Right-tap the Run shortcut, point at Send to on the menu and select Desktop (create shortcut) in the sub-list.

send run shortcut to desktop

Way 2: Create a shortcut for Run on desktop.

Step 1: Right-click blank area on the desktop, expand New and hit Shortcut.

Step 2: Type explorer shell:::{2559a1f3-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0} in the location box, and tap Next.

input run file location

Step 3: Enter Run to name the shortcut, and choose Finish.

name run shortcut

Tip: You can change its icon according to the following guidance.

1. Right-click the Run shortcut and hit Properties on the menu.

open run shortcut properties

2. Tap Change Icon to move on.

select change icon

3. Locate C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll, select an icon, and click OK.

choose run shortcut icon

4. Hit OK to confirm the modification.

confirm changing run shortcut icon

Way 3: Create a Run Shortcut Using a Command File

Step 1: Open a new text document.

Step 2: Input @echo off start explorer shell:::{2559a1f3-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}.

type run file location

Step 3: Open File, choose Save As, locate Desktop, type RunShortcut.bat (ensure the file type is set to All Files) and tap Save.

save run cmd file to desktop

Now you can double-click the batch file on your desktop to open the Run dialog.

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