InternetChrome Not Asking to Save Passwords

Chrome Not Asking to Save Passwords, How to Fix It?

By Achilles Hill | Last Updated

In general, when you sign in a website in Google for the first time, a prompt will pop up in the top-right corner to remind you of saving your password. But you don't know somehow, it doesn't appear this time. Take it easy, we will walk you through the process of solving this problem by saving passwords in automatically and manually.

Why Chrome Not Asking to Save Passwords?

This must be a troublesome problem to someone who use Chrome frequently, so in order to solve problem,we have found there are three cases in total when Google doesn't show you the prompt.

As for these cases just mentioned, we will provide corresponding solution for you. Step by step to solve it in the following.

Case 1: Turn on the"Offer to save your web passwords" option

If you haven't checked or chosen the option "Offer to save your web passwords" in Settings, there won't show a notification when you sign in any site. In this case, you can make Chrome to save your passwords automatically again by the following steps.

Save passwords in Chrome automatically by switching on "Auto Sign-in"

At the top-right corner, click MoreSettings.

Scroll down, click on Advanced.

In the Passwords and forms section, tap on Manage passwords.

Switch it on to chosen the option "Offer to save your web passwords".

switch on auto sign-in passwords in chrome

Case 2:You Have Told Chrome to Never Offer to Save Password

As for case 2, when you select the option "never for this site" to forbid Chrome saving your passwords, the prompt won't appear again. So how to make Chrome ask you for the second time? Let's move on.

Save passwords in Chrome automatically by deleting "Never Saved" sites

Click on Settings in the top-right corner of the page, scroll down and expand Advanced.

Under Passwords and forms section, click on Manage passwords.

In the Never saved part, click Delete at the end of row.

delete never saved sites

Case 3: Some sites not allow you to save passwords in Chrome

Once you have tried all methods above but it doesn't work at all, there may be some sites don't allow you to save password in Chrome. Keep reading to save your password in Chrome manually.

Save passwords in Chrome manually by switching to "enabled" option

Step 1: In the address box, type "chrome://flags/#enable-password-force-saving", press Enter. Then choose Enabled in the drop down menu and tap on RELAUNCH NOW button.

force saving password in chrome

Step 2: Relaunch your Google Chrome. Go to the unable saved password website, input your account and passwords. Right click in the password entry box before logging in, then choose the save password option. Thus you can see the notification appears in the top-right corner as normal.

save chrome password in password entry box

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