By Achilles Hill | Last Updated
Many Android Phone users try many solutions to root their phones. However, how to know if the android phone was rooted successfully? Or many people want to know whether the phone they are using has been rooted. The following ways can help you check whether your phone is rooted or not.
Option 1: Find the Kinguser or Superuser icon on phone desktop. If you can see Kinguser or Superuser icon on desktop, it means that your phone has been rooted.
Option 2: Install Root Browser and use it to access privilege files. If you android phone has been rooted, you can use the browser to open the folder /data/data/, and see contacts2.db.
Option 3: Run adb command to check it.
Step 1: Download Android SDK from
Step 2: Unzip the SDK to a folder. And cd to folder adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130917\sdk\platform-tools.
Step 3: Open Cmd.exe and run command:
adb shell su root chmod 777 /data/data/,
and then run: adb pull /data/data/ d:\
If contacts2.db file is copied to d:\, your android is rooted. Otherwise, your phone is unrooted and you will get prompt "access denied".
You can follow the steps as shown in the following screenshot:
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